佐藤 泰介

Sato (Taisuke) Laboratory,
東京工業大学 .

In English


私は人工知能研究の一環として、論理プログラムの様々な側面の研 究を続けて来ましたが、その後演繹的手法から帰納的手法一般に興 味が移り、遺伝的プログラミングや帰納的論理プログラミングを手 掛けるようになりました。最近では不確定性情報の取扱の重要性に 気が付き、統計と記号処理を統合する方式の研究を進めています。

主な発表 :
Enumeration of Success Patterns in Logic Programs,
Sato,T. and Tamaki,H.,
Theoretical Computer Science 34, 1984, pp.227-240.

Unfold/fold Transformation of Logic Programs,
Tamaki,H. and Sato,T.,
Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. on Logic Programming, Uppsala, 1984, pp.127-137.

Tansformational Logic Program Synthesis,
Sato,T. and Tamaki,H.,
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1984, Tokyo, 1984, pp.195-201.

情報処理学会誌 26 (25周年記念論文), 1985, pp.1423-1431.

OLD Resolution with Tabulation,
Tamaki,H. and Sato,T.,
Proc. 3rd Int'l Conf. on Logic Programming, London, 1986, pp.84-98.

コンピュータソフトウェア(日本ソフトウェア科学会会誌)5, 1988, pp.69-80.

Existential Continuation,
Sato,T. and Tamaki,H.,
New Generation Computing 6, 1989, pp.421-438.

First Order Compiler: A Determinstic Logic Program Synthesis Algorithm,
Sato,T. and Tamaki,H.,
J. Symbolic Computation 8, 1989, pp.605-627.

Completed Logic Programs and Their Consistency,
J. Logic Programming 9, 1990, pp.33-44.

Equivalence-Preserving First Order Unfold/fold Transformation Systems,
Theoretical Computer Science 105, 1992, pp.57-84.

論理プログラムの新しい完備化と論理式の置換に基づく 計算手続きについて,
情報処理学会論文誌 Vol.41 No.11, 2000, pp.3023-3036.

BUGS: A Bug-Based Search Strategy using Genetic Algorithms,
Iba,H., Akiba,S., Higuchi,T. and Sato,T.,
Proc. PPSN (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature), Belgium, 1992, pp.165-174.

Evolutionaly Learning Strategy using Bug-Based Search,
Iba,H., Higuchi,T., de Garis,H and Sato,T.,
Proc. IJCAI'93, Shambery, 1993, pp.960-966.

人工知能学会誌 Vol.8 No.6, 1993, pp.797-809.

人工知能学会誌 Vol.10 No.4, 1995, pp.100-110.

A Numerical Approach to Genetic Programming for System Identification,
Iba,H., deGaris,H. and Sato,T.,
Evolutionary Computation 3(4), 1996, pp.417-452.

A Statistical Learning Method for Logic Programs with Distribution Semantics,
Proc. ICLP'95 Syounan-village, 1995, pp.715-729.

PRISM:A Language for Symbolic-Statistical Modeling,
Sato,T. and Kameya,Y.,
Proc. IJCAI97, Nagoya, 1997, pp.1330-1335.

A Viterbi-like algorithm and EM learning for statistical abduction,
Sato,T. and Kameya,Y.,
Proc. UAI-2000 workshop on Fusion of Domain Knowledge with Data for Decision Support, 2000.

Efficient EM learning with tabulation for parameterized logic programs,
Kameya,Y. and Sato,T.,
Proc. of CL2000, London, LNAI 1861, 2000, pp.269-284.

Parameterized Logic Programs where Computing Meets Learning,
Proc. FLOPS2001, Tokyo, LNCS 2024, 2001, pp.40-60.

自然言語処理、Vo.l8,No.1, 2001, pp.49-84.

電子情報通信学会、論文誌 Vol.J83-D-I, No.11, 2000, pp.1178-1186.

Fast EM Learning of a Family of PCFGs,
Sato, T., Kameya, Y., Abe, S. and Shirai, K.
Titech Technical Report (Dept. of CS) TR01-0006, 2001

A Separate-and-Learn Approach to EM Learning of PCFGs
Sato,T., Abe,S., Kameya,Y. and Shirai,K.,
Proceedings of the 6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS-2001), Tokyo, 2001, pp.255-262.

Parameter Learning of Logic Programs for Symbolic-statistical Modeling,
Sato,T. and Kameya,Y.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Vol.15, pp.391-454.

A New Perspective of PRISM Relational Modeling,
Sato,T. and Zhou, Neng-Fa,
Proceedings of IJCAI-03 workshop on Learning Statistical Models from Relational Data (SRL2003),
2003, pp133-139.

Efficient Fixpoint Computation in Linear Tabling,
Zhou,Neng-Fa and Sato,T.,
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP2003),
2003, pp275-283.

See also PRISM's home

最小汎化の組合せによる帰納推論, 秋葉澄高、佐藤泰介,
人工知能学会誌 Vol.11 No.1, 1996, pp.121-129.

Program extraction from quantified decision trees (extended abstract), Sato,T.,
Proc. of Machine Intelligence 17, Bury St Edmunds, 2000, pp.78-80.
